Sunday, February 1, 2009

No camera. I'm sad.

Why do camera batteries last for about 12 minutes before they die?

So, no pics for my posts because I'm taking my time getting to the store for batteries.

I wanted to do my "How do you..." post on Thurs but was waiting on pics. Here it is without pics. Not as fun but use your imagination.

Jen asks, "How do you get your children to do their chores in a timely manner?" or something along those lines. I'm going to answer her question in Palin-esque fashion and tell you how we do chores, not necessarily the timely manner part.

I divided the public rooms of the house into 6 zones.

  • kitchen

  • den and living room

  • downstairs bathroom and garage entry

  • bonus room

  • upstairs bathroom and hall (including the linen closet)

  • laundry

The dining room is rarely used and not very messy, so I didn't include it. Since we have six children capable of carrying the responsibility of a chore, this works perfectly. Each child can be responsible for a zone. I wanted to rotate the chores but still allow each child the opportunity to learn how to effectively clean each zone before rotating to the next one. We determined that a week works well.

I wrote on 6 index cards the schedule. For example:

Week #1

  • Kitchen - Scooter

  • Den/Living - Triple H

  • Down Bath - Banana

  • Bonus - Rosebud

  • Up Bath - Bucket

  • Laundry - Mojo

Week #2 will have Mojo in the kitchen and everyone else shifts down the list. After six weeks, every child has had every chore for one full week. If everyone does what they are supposed to do, all public areas of the house, including laundry is done. Each child is responsible for homework, zone chore and their room. I have a list of penalty chores. If they do not do what is expected, then a penalty chore is added to their responsibilities. Penalty chores are NO fun, like scrubbing the inside of a trash can, organizing the silverware drawer, cleaning out the van, etc.

Now, Jen's real question was how to get them to do the chore in a timely manner. I don't think I have gotten the timely manner part yet. I would love to hear from all of you. How do you get your children to do their chores quickly and without procrastinating? The only suggestion I have is to offer a reward. On the weekends we usually offer an incentive to do their work right away and with excellence. Usually it is family movie night or an ice cream cone or a family game night. That's right...we don't mind bribing our children.


Tracey said...

Great post! Wii time as a reward works for K2. He has to have all school work done and his daily chore. Our zone time is from 4:30 to 5. (zone time for us is straightening the area assigned..kind of a reset for the next day).

cjtoscano said...

Thanks Karen! I like the idea of penalty chores and the ones you listed.

Anonymous said...

I am the chore-woman right now, and doing chores is a major battle in this house. I have GOT to get organized about it. Right now we clean the toy room twice a week (not daily, like we should), and they have to make their bed. It's my own fault - I'm so impatient that I'd rather do it myself.

Tana said...

We don't call it bribery - but "positive reinforcement" instead. But, yeah, we do it , too.

kez said...

It's Facebook at our house! It's a great reason to let the kids have a Facebook account. I can't believe how well done the girls do their chores and how fast, when Facebook is waiting.

Uh, you didn't think they ever age out of this problem, did you? Just ask our #1 how many times she has 'lost' Facebook for not doing chores. Sad Day!