Friday, March 13, 2009

We are still here

I wonder if anyone noticed I haven't posted in a while. Well, I've been super, crazy distracted with my consignment sale and then there's the seven kids and all. They have grown accustomed to eating and wearing clean clothes. So that had to be done.

I will update you on time. And I have SO MUCH to catch up on like the surprise I found in the dryer, my unfortunate incident with the Polly Pocket house, my hormonal meltdown last weekend....and there are a few "How do you do..." questions left to be answered.

In the meantime I will share an original poem by Scooter (14 yrs). The assignment was to write a poem that imitates the poem "December" by Thad Stem. I think she did a great job. She has submitted it to a poetry contest. We'll see what happens.
August waded into our sleepy town
With her flambeaux blazing streaks of orange and crimson
She lethargically fans her sweltering face
So powerfully, humid air crested over the rooftops
Like a cascading wave.
Then she flipped her fiery auburn hair
And the flames were provoked higher and more vigorous
To stew us and reveal her deceiving mirages
With an occasional performance from vivacious, pounding drummers
That make her flash a smile.


Carpool Queen said...

She's good! I like that poem, and right now I'd like a little of that August heat. What happened to spring?

KR said...

Scooter is making me feel stupid.

NCSCV Columbus County Volunteers said...

Now Scooter G never ceases to amaze me. I had to get the dictionary to look up many of the words. What a wonderful poem!

Here’s a funny one I felt you might find amusing:

On a Tired Housewife

Here lies a poor woman who was always tired,
She lived in a house where help wasn't hired:
Her last words on earth were: 'Dear friends, I am going
To where there's no cooking, or washing, or sewing,
For everything there is exact to my wishes,
For where they don't eat there's no washing of dishes.
I'll be where loud anthems will always be ringing,
But having no voice I'll be quit of the singing.
Don't mourn for me now, don't mourn for me never,
I am going to do nothing for ever and ever.

Tracey said...

oooo..she's good! Aren't you just so proud of her?! KR cracks me up! (and I totally agree with her comment!!) Matter of fact, if you want to see me turn pale and pass out, make me write a poem.

The Lord Family said...

I missed you!!
And that poem. WOW.