Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Twice As Nice

My sister, Michelle and I bought a business about 6 months ago. It is a biannual consignment sale of gently used children's clothes, toys and equipment. Our first sale is coming up a week from Friday. Yikes!! We are both excited and a little nervous.

The best thing, so far, has been watching God work. He has smoothed a path for us, guided our steps, and protected us from missteps. He has blessed us BIG!! I don't know what next weekend holds but I trust Him to show up.

We have had some interesting experiences like the man who demanded that we repaint his mailbox because the flyer damaged it. Michelle did a fine paint job. How about the evil birthday clown who emailed me a nasty message? What's that all about? We ignored him...clowns scare me.

But mostly we have had wonderful experiences and have met fantastic people. I feel like I have a new friend...Cary. She is the owner of a newsletter called Social Butterflies. Precious!! I have only met her via email but she is a light for Jesus. I knew it before she ever told me.

The highlight up to this point: Working with my sister. She is smart and funny...no, make that hilarious.

So...that's what I'm doing this week...working on the sale.
If you are in Apex Aug 2nd, stop by and shop or just say hello.
If you see an evil birthday clown...RUN!

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