Friday, November 7, 2008


I was tagged a couple of weeks ago to post my schedule for a typical day. I've procrastinated because, well, it's a little drab. Try not to doze off. Here it is and never let it be said that I am not a rule follower.
(By the way, I'm in a bit of a hurry...there WILL be grammar and spelling editing and grammar friends will have to extend some know who you are)
Since our schedule varies is a slow day.
6 am -- wake when John showers
615--wake again when John wakes older children
620-- wake again when 1st kid showers
630-- wake again when 2nd kid showers
635-- get out of bed, read Daily Light, stumble downstairs and pack 6 lunches
7 am-- Good Morning America (love that Robin Roberts)
715-- Begin the out-the-door countdown and the "have you...?" checklist (have you brushed your teeth, packed your gym bag, etc?)
730-- Kiss oldest 4 children goodbye- carpool picks up- Kiss John goodbye
735-- Shower and Dress
805--Dress 3 youngest kids
830-- leave for elementary school
9 am-- home for tidying up, laundry, to-do list, etc
10am-- start dinner, plan meals and snacks
11am-- feed Fig (only kid at home)
1130-- Play and Read with Fig
12 noon-- Nap for Fig and Quiet Time for me (my favorite part of the day)
1pm-- Email, Blog, Facebook, Craigslist
2pm-- Chores or projects or business tasks (
230-- Run carpool for older kids
3pm-- Snack and Homework
330-- Run carpool for younger kids
4pm-- home to change into basketball uniforms for young kids
430-- young kids to Upward basketball
5pm-- pick up older kids from school basketball practice
530-- pick up younger kids from Upward basketball
6pm-- home for homeward and dinner prep
7pm-- dinner when John gets home
730-- clean kitchen and supervise kids chores
8pm-- Enjoy each time

You still there?

Today I'm thankful for my good health and the good health of my family.
Because God has graced us with healthy bodies, we are able to do all the things I've listed. I'm grateful and try not to take it for granted. John has diabetes. God has kept him miraculously healthy and well-controlled. Seven children, 14 years and only one broken bone...Praise God! If we encounter a health crisis tomorrow, God is good and His grace will be sufficient. I've seen it in the lives of dear friends. But for today, thanks to the Lord, He has kept us healthy.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. I am in awe of your time management!! I thought having 3 kids was a job - YIKES! Anyway, I was very uplifted by your post and just wanted to say "hello".